Affordable Care Act (ACA) NEWS!

HHS on April 30 rolled out the final version of the basic application form that Americans will use to apply for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The final version for individuals had been cut to three pages from 21 pages. The new version, for example, does not ask for information about family members, as the original did, The Washington Post reported. In the old version, a full page was dedicated to determining if the individual was an Alaska native, and that page did not survive the final cut, the article noted. The new form covers the most common, basic cases of those who apply for insurance assistance, and different forms will be available for the more complex cases, the Post reported. “The revised Affordable Care Act application forms deserve applause because they will streamline the enrollment process and make it consumer-friendly,” Ron Pollack, president of health care advocacy group Families USA, said in a statement. “These streamlined and shortened forms significantly improve the likelihood that large numbers of people will truly get enrolled and gain access to affordable health coverage.” (Reprinted from AIS’s Health Reform Week’s e-News Alert)

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